HPE Universal Filler Panel - Telineen täytepaneeli - luonnonkoksi - 1U (pakkaus sisältää 10) malleihin HPE 600mm, 800mm; Advanced Series Racks 42U 600mm

HPE Universal Filler Panel - Telineen täytepaneeli - luonnonkoksi - 1U (pakkaus sisältää 10) malleihin HPE 600mm, 800mm; Advanced Series Racks 42U 600mm BW928A
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Saatavuusarvio: 3.12.2024
Hewlett Packard EnterpriseValmistajaHewlett Packard EnterpriseUNSPSC
Pakattu määrä10 yksityiskohdat tuotekohtaisia
TuotetyyppiTelineen täytepaneeli
Korkeus (Telineyksikköä)1U
Suunniteltu malleihinHPE 600mm x 1075mm Advanced Pallet Rack, 600mm x 1075mm Advanced Shock Rack, 600mm x 1075mm Enterprise Pallet Rack, 600mm x 1075mm Enterprise Shock Rack, 600mm x 1200mm Advanced Pallet Rack, 600mm x 1200mm Advanced Shock Rack, 600mm x 1200mm Enterprise Shock Network Rack, 600mm x 1200mm Enterprise Shock Rack, 600mm x 1200mm Network Advanced Shock Rack, 800mm x 1075mm Enterprise Pallet Rack, 800mm x 1075mm Enterprise Shock Rack, 800mm x 1200mm Advanced Pallet Rack, 800mm x 1200mm Advanced Shock Rack, 800mm x 1200mm Enterprise Pallet Rack, 800mm x 1200mm Enterprise Shock Network Rack, 800mm x 1200mm Enterprise Shock Rack, 800mm x 1200mm Network Advanced Shock Rack
HPE Advanced Series Racks 42U 600mm x 1075mm Kitted Advanced Pallet Rack with Side Panels and Baying, 42U 600mm x 1075mm Kitted Advanced Shock Rack with Side Panels and Baying


Data-Enter Oy - Y-tunnus 0724728-4 - www.dataenter.fi - sales@dataenter.fi - 040 556 7500
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